Category: All Posts

Walk it Out

I’m no doctor but I do believe that we all have different levels of pain tolerance.  A friend of mine had a stroke last year and she told me, “I knew something was off, but not what.”  She is a tough nut.  A few years ago I had a migraine and besides feeling like my head was going to blow off my neck, when I went to get some meds I did not recognize my face in the medicine cabinet mirror, “I’m having a stroke!”  was my thinking.  My experience with the ER doctor was a bit humiliating as he...

Heart in Hand

  I can’t decide if I like the vampires or the werewolves better.  Vampires get to live forever, and can make humans do and believe whatever they want them to.  They can take an enemy’s head clean off with one swipe.  The werewolves live in close community and are always loyal to their brothers.  They get to enjoy real food but their bite can end a vampire for good.  But, the vampires believe that their superior strength gives them the right to prey on the weak.  Plus, the werewolves have to do whatever the Alpha says to do, even if he...

Mistaken Identity

“What if I should discover that the poorest of the beggars and the most impudent of offenders are all within me; and that I stand in need of the alms of my own kindness, that I, myself, am the enemy who must be loved — what then?” Carl Gustav Jung I really hate that I’m so fragile that I let other people’s bullshit bother me.  I like to think of myself as a conscientious person.  One who tries. Tries to be careful of the ways I walk in the world. Tries not to stomp on someone else to elevate myself....