Category: Just for Fun

Walking Dead

Having been sick for over a week, I did what all distraction obsessed Americans do. I  binged on Netflix. I hadn’t seen it beforehand  but am now on season 4 of  “The Walking Dead. ” If you have better things to do or live under a rock, here is the two-cent synopsis. There is a worldwide plague. When anyone dies, they wake up with one desire, to eat people. Since everyone is surprised that the dead walk and are hungry for the living and their guts, many humans die right off the bat.  And the hits keep coming. The visuals...

Vacation Day

I recently had the opportunity to spend five days on a California respite. I have a life-long friend that made it all happen, for my son and me.  My Facebook friends were inundated with our daily itinerary. It was a quickly arranged visit so we didn’t plan any major sight-seeing adventures, Hollywood style, but we did plenty. It may not be much to other people but for us it was a wonderful novelty. The choice to be in a one-income earning family over the years (plus the reality of being a little wild & loose on budgeting) has precluded a...

Poetry in Motion

I think I already confessed this in a previous post but I am not musically inclined. My boys have shared with me at times, “you are flat-out tone deaf Mom.” I’m like, “why do you think I turn it up loud? It’s so I can pretend my voice blends!” Not only that but my most humiliating memory from 7th grade is band class. That whole year sucked eggs really, but that one time I tried to play the clarinet and ended up tossing it down and running out of class crying- I remember vividly. Geez I hated those first chair...