
imageIt’s downright comical. How many people do you know who have to think/figure out why they are in a good mood? It was rainy and cold, a weather combination that generally annoys me to no end. It was early in a week that stretched out long. Some tough life circumstances were status quo, you know, “different day, same shit.” But here I was floating along like I hadn’t a care in the world. Of course I had to contemplate the whole thing. The song lyric I started to hear was, “Something more than free.” I’ll share the thing, but I’m not actually sure what the author is saying, FYI. I just know those words felt right on that good mood day.

Have you ever had a friend with whom you can’t share your joy with when you feel good? Someone who seems to be irritated if you like your life or situation? Someone that always compares? Someone who gets pissed off if others aren’t struggling in the same way he or she is?

I’m fortunate enough to not have one of those types in my life right now. My people want to hug me when I’m down. My people smile when they hear I’m feeling good. My people offer to help in practical ways when I’m stuck. My people ask me, “How are you today?”

I’d love to take credit and say, I’ve conquered my demons and have learned how to experience joy in the journey! But, I know those suckers will rise up periodically. I know I don’t actually have to feel good all the time to have a full life. Maybe being “something more than free,” for me is to experience the full range of human emotions without sliding downhill in the process. But mainly, I am loved by my people, and it feels good.

My Dad often spoke to my sisters and me about being careful of the company we kept. Having all girls, I think he was afraid one of us would come home pregnant, to be honest. I agree with the proverbs and maxims about bad company.

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
Proverbs 13:20

“Do not trust all men, but trust men of worth; the former course is silly, the latter a mark of prudence.” Democritus (early philosopher known for atomic theory)

Yet…I have found it vital to be mindful of the many appearances men put forth that can hide bad character. (When I say “men” I mean “humans.” ) Conversely, some outward appearances hide hearts of gold.

There is a story from the Old Testament, in 1 Samuel 16:7. The prophet, Samuel, is choosing the next King of Israel, and it takes him a few tries.

“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

My son and I have discussed this story many times. My boy has ridiculously long hair and bristles when he is judged for it. I like that he is already convinced that the interior of a person is more important than the outward appearance. We will keep working on his interior, but the hair, I couldn’t care less.

I will wrap up by reiterating that connection to others in life is a beautiful thing when you find the right people. And shout out to my people, I am grateful. I’m even thinking this winter won’t be as much of a chore as in past years. Because of you. Thank you.




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