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“If you could have anything in your life at this moment, what would it be?” I dreamed that I was with a group of people and we were going somewhere I hadn’t been before. As we waited, I picked up my bags and they were so heavy I couldn’t move them. I wondered, “How did I even get here, I literally cannot lift this bag!” I was rearranging the stuff I had, taking things out and piling them up to take and leave in the car. My friends had to help me, as it was all too much. I had...


“The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.” Alexander Solzhenitsyn I love nuts, they make me feel like I have a partially healthy diet. But, take a handful of sunflower seeds that are old and they taste as bitter as betrayal feels. Or spoon them on a salad and it will ruin the whole toss. Besides gorging on nuts and chocolate, part of my holiday is study time for a biology test. When I was in school, you know before the internet and cell phones, cells were categorized by being either plant or animal. Now...

Christmas Spirit

I love the spirit of grace that Christmas brings. I love houses lighting up the neighborhood. I love the traditional Bevan goodies. l love finding unique gifts for special people. I love lights that shine in a dark room. But I am not good at hoopla. My youngest son was born in December. That year goes down as my best Christmas ever. He has also always been an advocate for all the hoopla that comes with the Christmas holiday. Decorations! Lights! Cookies! So when he wasn’t demanding the tree up the day after Thanksgiving I started to worry. We didn’t...