Author: Jill


It cannot be seen, It cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills, It comes first and follows after, Ends life, kills laughter.  – J.R.R. Tolkien Darkness. I would agree that it “ends life, and kills laughter,” but not that it can’t be heard, seen and felt. That is, the darkness inside that we all carry, WILL bear out in life if we let it lie “behind stars and under hills.” But we do it anyway. Hide it. The meme, supposing to be encouraging says, “Think about...

Keys to Transformation

Keys to Transformation Part II I had no idea that when I set out to update a tired old DVD cabinet that it would spark so many thoughts on transformation. It started with me taking my own advice, hallelujah, when I decided I WANTED to. Interestingly, it wasn’t until I saw another piece I liked that gave me the idea. So, I’m thinking #1 key in transformation is a combination of listening to the wanting AND having an idea of what the end form could look like. Key #2 I figured out right quick. I went looking online and at a...


Transformation is one of those buzz words you hear in self-help circles. Actually, it may be called “life coaching” now. For a lot of us, self-medication with a side of denial is closer to the truth in how we deal with our shit, but that is a different post. I detest the ads I see that try and sell you simple solutions: “10 Ways to declutter your life!” ” How to be more interesting, in 10 easy steps!” “10 simple steps to exceptional daily productivity!” “16 ways to lose weight fast!” “12 steps to building muscle!” Give me a break. No...