Category: Featured

Beautiful Outlaw

Healing the Memories I’m trying to talk my son’s college age friends into doing a study on John Eldredge’s book, Beautiful Outlaw. This book was vital in my spiritual growth when it came time for me to leave the institutional church for good. I have a poster in my closet on his list of differences between “religion & relationship.”* I like to write shit out, big surprise, huh? But the main reason I want them to study it and the reason I am thinking about it today is this one question he asked. “How have you learned Jesus?” Kind of...

Poetry in Motion

I think I already confessed this in a previous post but I am not musically inclined. My boys have shared with me at times, “you are flat-out tone deaf Mom.” I’m like, “why do you think I turn it up loud? It’s so I can pretend my voice blends!” Not only that but my most humiliating memory from 7th grade is band class. That whole year sucked eggs really, but that one time I tried to play the clarinet and ended up tossing it down and running out of class crying- I remember vividly. Geez I hated those first chair...

Go Gently

Raise your hand if you have never, in your entire life, met someone who has not been physically injured in some way. Ok now, if you raised your hand, call me, I know a good shrink that could help. Seriously. Now that we are clear on the fact that life is full of injury, physical injury at this point, I have a mental exercise for you. I want you to be gross. I can help. Picture in your mind all the types of injuries you have been exposed to. I am the Mom of three mainly grown boys so I...