Category: All Posts


I received a gorgeous bouquet of cut flowers for my birthday.  The sweetest thing, to know you are thought well of by a loving friend.  The beautiful centerpiece reminded me for days, I am loved.  A week later the flowers’ colors were still vibrantly alive although the leaves had started to brown.  The fragrance though, was not altogether lovely and at that point, the beauties had to go.  As I gathered them up for the trash, I lamented the fact that beauty in our world is so temporary.  I see it daily as my face and figure falls sway to...

Decoration Day

For this girl, a not-particularly-good-at-history, middle class, sheltered child, Memorial Day meant the pool was opening!  Not very deep, but I’d actually love it if my kid had the same summers I had. Depart at morning, ride bikes to the pool, come home for lunch and disappear back into the neighborhood until Mom blew her fierce, two-fingered whistle around dinner time.  Those memories are great and I remember them well. Unlike my fun memories, I’d guess plenty of people have times from their childhoods where the memories are more of a haunting kind they’d like to forget. How beautiful when...

How to find Joy without getting stuck in the Pleasure Principle

Just Kidding. God help me, if my blog has come off like a “how-to,” then I missed the mark I was aiming for. Well sure, I play Dear Abby with my friends, when they ask for my opinion, and I ask them for theirs. This has rarely worked for me (probably them as well) because no one really knows what is best for someone else. Usually when I do take someone else’s advice it turns out wrong, and when I don’t, I look back in hindsight and say, “Shoulda listened to that one.” Two things came up that put me...