2964D142-344F-48AC-82B0-BF313CAE966E“If you could have anything in your life at this moment, what would it be?”

I dreamed that I was with a group of people and we were going somewhere I hadn’t been before. As we waited, I picked up my bags and they were so heavy I couldn’t move them. I wondered, “How did I even get here, I literally cannot lift this bag!” I was rearranging the stuff I had, taking things out and piling them up to take and leave in the car. My friends had to help me, as it was all too much.

I had already written my New Year’s question to share and the quote below from a Richard Rohr devotional, and woke up asking, what was all that stuff? More importantly, what am I carrying around now that I need to put away?

If I answer my own question at this moment I’d say I’ve always wanted one thing and that is connection. I don’t know if my old ways have inhibited that quality in my life. I don’t know if I’ve had it and not recognized it. I don’t know what baggage I need to put down, maybe daily, to be connected in life.

Here’s to a New Year, to never stop trying for what is most important to me, to each of you as well. Thank you for journeying with me on Open Wound.



“Yearning for a new way will not produce it. Only ending the old way can do that.
You cannot hold onto the old, all the while declaring that you want something new.
The old will defy the new;
The old will deny the new;
The old will decry the new.
There is only one way to bring in the new. You must make room for it.”
—Neale Donald Walsch [1]

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1 Response

  1. Mom says:

    Oh yes.