Category: All Posts

Wizards & Lizards

“What will you do now?” solicits my lawyers. “What do you really, really want?” beg my friends. “How will you make the payment?” demands the mortgage broker. Gandalf reminds me, “All [you] have to decide is what to do with the time that is given [you].” Oh, is that all? I’ve never wanted what Richard Rohr warns about in Falling Upward, his book about the second half of life. “Merely to survive and preserve our life is a low-level instinct that we share with good little lizards.” I like the Wizard more than the Lizard. Having an internal belief that...

Match Game

“Most people confuse their life situation with their actual life, which is an underlying flow beneath the everyday events.” Richard Rohr, Falling Upward I’ve been having an ongoing discussion with friends about modern dating. Our stats are: never married, divorced over a decade, widowed at a young age and newly separated after a quarter century of marriage. Oh, this set is over forty as well. Seems like each decade brings a different perspective on dating. Priorities change over time and such. Apparently while we were married or figuring out how to be happy single, a new world called “online dating’...

The Cross

“Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail, hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way.” That song and chocolate bunnies are my most prevalent childhood memories of Easter. Another strong memory is from my late teens, waking up with a pile of friends and a Southern Comfort hangover on Easter Sunday. One of my friends was leaving for church, and gave a quick explanation. “Wait, somebody died?” is what I remember thinking. Later, after marriage and involvement in church attendance I learned the theory of Penal Substitutionary Atonement. (PSA- leaning more towards punishment.) Having an underlying theory of atonement, as I...