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I love toenail polish. I remember going into the hospital for my third C-section and I made sure to get help fixing my toes before I went in. I couldn’t really reach them myself and usually had a five-day stay per operation. Someone asked me, “why are you doing that now?” I really couldn’t answer but I did get a lot of compliments from the nursing staff. Recently I had a pedicure and the fella really gave me an awesome foot and leg massage. I’m starting to think that is why so many people pay for painted toes. A leg rub...

More Grace

Internal battles are my stock in trade. But what a pain when I have a job to do, or don’t feel well, or its past my bedtime. The other night, this person, did this thing. My battle started with condemnation right off the bat. “What a d-bag! Legalistic-rule-following-graceless-pig!” That type of refrain went on in my head for a good while.  I’m not ashamed to admit it, it is what it is, ya know? I didn’t sort it out until I shared my lovely thoughts with my son. His response added insult to injury…”Well Mom, you did screw up.” Huh,...

Walking Dead

Having been sick for over a week, I did what all distraction obsessed Americans do. I  binged on Netflix. I hadn’t seen it beforehand  but am now on season 4 of  “The Walking Dead. ” If you have better things to do or live under a rock, here is the two-cent synopsis. There is a worldwide plague. When anyone dies, they wake up with one desire, to eat people. Since everyone is surprised that the dead walk and are hungry for the living and their guts, many humans die right off the bat.  And the hits keep coming. The visuals...