Category: All Posts

The Only One

Who remembers “Signs” from 1971, Five Man Electrical Band?  I think it’s been covered quite a few times in the last 50 years. Last month a popular youngling, Lil Nas X, dropped something so similar in “One of Me,” it brought that last one to my mind.  Not musically similar, some will love one and hate the other and vice versa, but thematically similar.  I linked to the “clean” version because learning to value the idea that it’s not only ok for everyone to have different tastes, it is vital to our ability to live authentic lives. It is...

Hungry Caterpillars

He wasn’t suicidal, but he did say, “I don’t want to live anymore.” It made me wonder how many other people have had this thought and if it defines a moment of feeling overwhelmed by the hurt that comes with living, rather than a wish to die.  If so, me too baby, me too. I do believe that life is a gift, but it’s just damn weird that such a gift comes with so much hurting. No matter all the loving experiences, and all the hopeful thinking and all the material success, nothing changes the fact that living includes hurting. ...

Forever and a Day

I have a lifelong friend who will soon be living a good distance away from me.  When I started to feel sad about it the words of another friend came to mind, “Nothing lasts forever.”  I believe it was said in an effort to comfort, but it felt heartbreaking.  The older we get the more intensely aware we are that change is the very definition of life, so in this way, “Nothing lasts forever.”    Yet when I actually reminisce about my friendships, so many occasions come to mind when someone’s presence in my life made a timeless change in...