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Sometimes when I send one of my editors a rough draft of a blog he comes back with, “So what?” I know he loves me, no matter what I write, so I like it when he gives it to me straight. I’ve struggled a bit in my life with having a defensive reaction to people giving it to me straight. You ever hear, “You can give it out, but you sure can’t take it!” If so, you know what I mean. Why is it so hard to accept that we are fragile beings? We all know deep down that we...

Amour de soi

I was telling my dude about a guy who got real angry at me for saying I love black people in a Facebook post.   He said, “You know Jill, I think most people react with some anger when what you say triggers some personal truth about themselves that they don’t want to hear.”  Which is kinda funny because I annoy him all the time.  I agree with him that anger covers truth at times and also that at other times it is a reaction to personal pain.  So in no way do I believe anger is something vile to...

Murder Hornets May 2020

Well no, I’m not writing about “murder hornets,” but what a better way for me to remember that it was May 2020 when I wrote this post?  In a strange turn of events, this season will also remind me of the goal of living within the realm of possibility vs certainty.  This time period is truly a perfect analogy for life’s deepest reality that things don’t always turn out like we believe they will.  And that goes for whether we are optimists; those with a generally hopeful outlook in life, or pessimists; those with a tendency to believe the worst will...