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Another Brick in the Wall

I was twenty-five when I had my first child. I won’t scar him by talking about the nursing trauma, but I will out him as a non-sleeper from the get-go. He was kinda like I am now, a stellar napper, but not so good at the night-time slumber. I have one particularly distinct memory of rocking him in the dark morning hours and praying for that kid to “go to sleep!”   Somehow that night, my prayers started to shift.  This thought rose up, “Maybe the boy needs comfort more than I need sleep.” That led me to ask for...


It’s downright comical. How many people do you know who have to think/figure out why they are in a good mood? It was rainy and cold, a weather combination that generally annoys me to no end. It was early in a week that stretched out long. Some tough life circumstances were status quo, you know, “different day, same shit.” But here I was floating along like I hadn’t a care in the world. Of course I had to contemplate the whole thing. The song lyric I started to hear was, “Something more than free.” I’ll share the thing, but I’m...


My friend said, “I don’t want tomorrow to come too fast.”  That word always triggers my memory of the Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow speech from Macbeth. Of course, it popped into my head and came right out of my mouth. “Hey remember that…” but I soon regretted bringing it up. In the scene, MacBeth has gotten news of his wife’s death and is about to go down himself. Act 5 Scene 5 “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day-to-day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty...